Colombia road project is restarting

A Colombian road project is soon to be restarting.
Road Structures / September 27, 2024 25 seconds Read
By MJ Woof
Roads can be challenging in Colombia’s Valle del Cauca Department but a new route will reduce journey times for drivers – image courtesy of © Álvaro Bueno Lumbreras|

Work is expected to recommence on a road project in Colombia shortly. A dispute between the local authorities and the contractor building the link has stalled progress. However, a resolution to the dispute is being sought at present.

The road will link Mulalo and Loboguerrero in Valle del Cauca Department, providing a shorter link for drivers who currently have to use a longer route through Cali. The Loboguerrero-Cali route is notoriously twisty, increasing journey times and decreasing safety for drivers. A new road link would also help to boost safety for road users, although the topography of the area would likely require the construction of bridges and tunnel stretches to avoid having such a twisty route.

The project is expected to cost US$398.4 million. It was originally envisaged as a design, build, operate and transfer project but now could be reconsidered under the PPP model.
