Driver threads his Greyhound bus through a needle in the US

There are tight squeezes and there are tight squeezes. But this highway, in the Black Hills region of South Dakota state in the United States, was never meant for a Greyhound bus. It’s easy does it, as the youtube video shows just what an experienced driver can do. The camera captures the painstaking, and slow, effort of the driver as he threads his American behemoth through the eye of a needle, in this case a tunnel along the Needles Highway.
January 29, 2015
There are tight squeezes and there are tight squeezes. But this highway, in the Black Hills region of South Dakota state in the United States, was never meant for a Greyhound bus.

It’s easy does it, as the youtube video shows just what an experienced driver can do. The camera captures the painstaking, and slow, effort of the driver as he threads his American behemoth through the eye of a needle, in this case a tunnel along the Needles Highway.

Whatever happened to his wing-mirrors, we ask?

It might be time for an upgrade to parts of State Highway 87, especially the 23km Needles stretch that was blasted out of granite rock back in 1922. The highway is named after the high granite "needles" among which it winds among.

Because it is narrow with sharp turns – some of them 180° and with narrow and low tunnels, the road gets very little traffic, save for sightseers.