Highway break

In the Chinese city of Wenling in Zhejiang Province, a new highway linking with the main railway station featured an unusual obstruction, an apartment block. When the authorities planned the highway they offered compensation to property owners living in its path. But one elderly couple decided the compensation was not sufficient and refused to budge. New planning laws in China meant the couple were allowed to stay put. The couple later realised that accessing the property would be difficult at peak periods
February 18, 2013
In the Chinese city of Wenling in Zhejiang Province, a new highway linking with the main railway station featured an unusual obstruction, an apartment block. When the authorities planned the highway they offered compensation to property owners living in its path. But one elderly couple decided the compensation was not sufficient and refused to budge. New planning laws in China meant the couple were allowed to stay put. The couple later realised that accessing the property would be difficult at peak periods and opted to accept the compensation offered.