
September 25, 2024 25 seconds Read
August 20, 2018
A programme of bridge repairs and upgrades is being planned by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). The work is expected to cost €960…
August 20, 2018
Two newly constructed bridges in Poland will now have to be demolished. The bridges are on the A1 highway as it passes Czestochowa, part of the ring…
August 20, 2018
After a series of delays a key project to construct a new tunnel connection in Nepal is now moving forward. The country’s Department of Roads is…
August 20, 2018
The construction of Colombia’s Tunel de Oriente project is running behind schedule. Unexpected geological problems are the reason for the delay to…
August 20, 2018
Plans are being drawn up for the project to drive a new undersea tunnel in Southern China to improve transport links between Shenzhen and Guangzhou.…
August 17, 2018
The recent fatal bridge disaster in the Italian city of Genoa has triggered questions being asked about the state of France’s bridges. And with…
August 17, 2018
Financing from China is playing a key role in in supporting the development of the transport infrastructure network in the Philippines. In all 18…
August 17, 2018
Nigeria’s Federal Executive Council, (FEC) is giving its approval for an upgrade of the road running from Akwanga to Gombe. The 421km section of the…
August 17, 2018
An upgrade is planned for the National Highway 6, connecting Ghana’s capital Accra with the country’s second city, Kumasi. The work is intended to…
August 17, 2018
Mexico’s road, highway and bridge building programme is continuing, with new routes under construction. US$327.4 million has been spent on rebuilding…
August 17, 2018
The UK’s Lighthouse Club is holding a charity dinner in the Scottish city of Glasgow on the 23rd November 2018. The event will help to raise funds…
August 17, 2018
Vietnam is pushing ahead with its road and highway development programme. One crucial project is for the construction of the Ho Chi Minh (HCM) Road…
August 17, 2018
Indonesia continues to expand its toll road network, with major routes being built and opening to traffic. The toll road firm Jasa Marga will expand…
August 17, 2018
A new road tunnel is planned to connect Poland’s Wollin Island with Usedom Island in Germany. The project is expected to cost €225 million. The…
August 17, 2018
An increase is expected in the cost of the road project connecting Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka with Sylhet.