
June 18, 2013
A steady reduction in road crashes and fatalities has been noted for key developed nations, according to the International Transport Forum (ITF) Road…
June 18, 2013
A steady reduction in road crashes and fatalities has been noted for key developed nations, according to the International Transport Forum (ITF) Road…
June 18, 2013
The Polish regional government of the Malopolskie voivodeship has decided to allocate US$629.16 million (PLN 2bn) to road projects from its EU budget…
June 18, 2013
Russia's government has approved a US$20.77 billion (RUB 664bn) programme for new transport and other infrastructure ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup…
June 18, 2013
The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) has unveiled a US$81.02 billion (SEK 522bn) plan for national transport systems in 2014-15.…
June 17, 2013
Financing for Slovakia’s new D3 highway project will be sourced from the European Commission. The D3 lies in the north of this small country and the…
June 17, 2013
A Taiwanese-owned construction company will build a new road in Vietnam’s Quang Hing Province. The new road will measure 20km long and will connect…
June 17, 2013
Connectivity will be improved in Papua New Guinea (PNG) following completion of three new road projects for which construction is now commencing. The…
June 17, 2013
Preventing a decline in European construction equipment sales in 2013 appears to be “out of reach”, according to the Quarterly Economic Bulletin from…
June 14, 2013
A further US$94.08 million (£60mn) is to be spent on fixing the Hammersmith flyover “monstrosity” in west London, England. Transport for London (TfL…
June 14, 2013
The News South Wales state government in Australia has US$542.6 million (AUD 564.6mn) for preparatory works for the construction of the Ballina-…
June 14, 2013
The Ethiopian Roads Authority has awarded a contract worth at least US$149.77 million (ETB 2.8bn) for a road upgrade to two China-based firms, with…
June 14, 2013
US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has announced that strong demand for TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grants is…
June 14, 2013
Public transport solutions provider Xerox has been successful in winning orders for its ticketing systems, most recently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia…
June 14, 2013
Technology developed by Melbourne’s La Trobe University’s Centre for Technology Infusion that aims to reduce or even eliminate accidents at railway…