EC financing to support Slovakian highway

Financing for Slovakia’s new D3 highway project will be sourced from the European Commission. The D3 lies in the north of this small country and the project has been the focus for intensive discussions over its importance and even, the need for its construction. When it is complete the D3 will connect with Poland and the Czech Republic and will help improve connectivity in the area, and it is this point that the Slovakian Transport Ministry has used as a bargaining tool in its discussions in Brussels. It is
June 17, 2013
Financing for Slovakia’s new D3 highway project will be sourced from the 2465 European Commission. The D3 lies in the north of this small country and the project has been the focus for intensive discussions over its importance and even, the need for its construction. When it is complete the D3 will connect with Poland and the Czech Republic and will help improve connectivity in the area, and it is this point that the Slovakian Transport Ministry has used as a bargaining tool in its discussions in Brussels. It is expected to cost in the region of €365 million to construct the 12km section of the D3 from Svrcinovec-Skalite and the tender process has been called by the Slovak national motorway company, 5891 NDS. Construction of the Svrcinovec-Skalite section of the D3 is expected to start at the end of 2013, with other stretches of the highway starting construction in 2014. The Slovakian stretch of the D3 should be completed by 2019, should the works stay on track with the construction plans.
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