Fall in road crashes for UAE

An improved situation with regard to road safety has been noted in the UAE. The road crash rate for 2014 was 6.2% lower than for 2013. There were 4,806 crashes in 2014, causing 7,487 injuries and 712 deaths. However insurance payouts from crashes rose by 11% to a total of US$1.09 billion for 2014 compared with the previous year.
June 23, 2015
An improved situation with regard to road safety has been noted in the UAE. The road crash rate for 2014 was 6.2% lower than for 2013.  There were 4,806 crashes in 2014, causing 7,487 injuries and 712 deaths. However insurance payouts from crashes rose by 11% to a total of US$1.09 billion for 2014 compared with the previous year.