France sees increase in road crashes

France has seen an increase in its road fatality rate during 2015. Official figures show that road casualties again increased during 2015, the second consecutive year that this has occurred. Road deaths increased by 2.3% over the figure for 2014 and reached 3,461 in 2015. This increased fatality rate is of note as for the 12 years previous to 2014, France’s road death rate had reduced.
May 20, 2016
France has seen an increase in its road fatality rate during 2015. Official figures show that road casualties again increased during 2015, the second consecutive year that this has occurred. Road deaths increased by 2.3% over the figure for 2014 and reached 3,461 in 2015. This increased fatality rate is of note as for the 12 years previous to 2014, France’s road death rate had reduced.

Speeding has been identified as the leading cause of crashes, the main factor in 32% of incidents. Drink driving was the cause of 21% of crashes, compared to 20% in 2014 while driving under the influence of drugs was the cause of 9% of crashes. The number of people killed while not wearing seatbelts increased from 19% in 2014 to 21% in 2015.

Of those killed on French roads, 1,796 were drivers, 52% of the total fatality rate and an increase of 8% from the previous year. On a more positive note, the fatality rates for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists dropped by 6.2%, 6.3% and 1.8% respectively.

Figures show that traffic volumes and the number of vehicle journeys increased in 2015, probably due to factors such as low fuel prices and concerns over the risk of terrorist acts. Police also carried out fewer road enforcement activities as they had to switch resources to tackling the terrorist threat.