New data shows continued fall in KSI figures on UK roads

The UK’s road safety is improving according to the latest set of official statistics. According to the Department for Transport (DfT) figures, 1,754 people were killed on the UK’s roads in 2012, a drop of 8% from the figure for 2011 and the lowest level since national records commenced in 1926. Meanwhile 23,039 people suffered serious injuries in road crashes, 0.4% lower than the 23,122 in 2011 but 15% lower than the average for the 2005-2009 period. The number of child casualties fell 17% to 17,251 compare
June 27, 2013
The UK’s road safety is improving according to the latest set of official statistics. According to the 5432 Department for Transport (DfT) figures, 1,754 people were killed on the UK’s roads in 2012, a drop of 8% from the figure for 2011 and the lowest level since national records commenced in 1926. Meanwhile 23,039 people suffered serious injuries in road crashes, 0.4% lower than the 23,122 in 2011 but 15% lower than the average for the 2005-2009 period. The number of child casualties fell 17% to 17,251 compared with 2011, while the number of children killed or seriously injured dropped by 6% to 2,272 from the 2,412 in 2011. In all some 145,571 personal injury incidents relating to road crashes were reported to the police in 2012, a drop of 4% from 2011. This is the lowest level of reported traffic incidents since the 1926-1927 period when traffic volumes were considerably lower than today. It is worth noting too that despite the tough economic climate in the UK, vehicle traffic volumes remained broadly similar with only a slight fall of 0.4% from 2011 to 2012.

Some categories of vulnerable road users did also see drops in fatalities. There were 420 pedestrian deaths, 7% fewer than in 2011, although the number of seriously injured pedestrians increased by 2% to 5,559. There were a total of 25,218 reported pedestrian casualties in 2012, down 4% in comparison with 2011. The number of motorcycle users killed fell by 9% from 362 in 2011 to 328 in 2012. The number of users reported as seriously injured decreased 5% to 5,000. Total reported motorcycle user casualties dropped 4% to 19,310 in 2012. Motorcycle traffic fell 2% over the same period. Cause for concern can be seen with regard to cyclists however and the number of those killed rose 10% from 107 in 2011 to 118 in 2012. In addition, the number of pedal cyclists reported to the police as seriously injured in a road accident increased by 4% to 3,222. There is a well-established upward trend in pedal cyclist casualties; this is eighth year that the number of seriously injured cyclist casualties has increased. Heavy rainfall and poor weather at the end of 2012 may well have contributed to a drop in motorcyclist fatalities and could also have lowered the fatality and injury rate amongst cyclists.
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