New road works are planned for Ukraine.

New road works are planned for Ukraine – image courtesy of © Chernetskaya,
A finance package is being supplied by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to help improve roads in Ukraine. The US$115.6 million package will go towards improving road links and carrying out essential maintenance works to links in Ukraine’s Luhansk Region. Approval for the use of the EIB for the 25-year package of loans came in Ukraine from Verkhovna Rada.
Meanwhile, a new road concession package will be opening for tender during 2022. The project involves building a new road link connecting Krakovets with Lviv, Brody and Rivne. The project is important international link for Ukraine as it will deliver an improve transport link to neighbouring Poland, as Krakovets lies close to the border between the two nations. The budget has yet to be revealed however.