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Puerto Rico road upgrades require funding

Puerto Rico’s road rebuilding and upgrading programme is falling short of the funding it requires.
September 6, 2019 Read time: 1 min

Puerto Rico’s road rebuilding and upgrading programme is falling short of the funding it requires. At present Puerto Rico’s highway and transportation agency in, Autoridad de Carreteras y Transportacion (ACT), has US$652 million of funding available for road improvements. Of this, $250 million was provided by the US. However a further $167 million is needed to allow all the necessary works to be carried out.

Around 95% of Phase I of the programme has been carried out, improving around 700km of roads. However Phase II will involve work to 750km of roads much of this and has still to be carried out. Work has started on nine of these projects and a further 13 are being tendered at present. In all, Puerto Rico’s Strate Road Upgrading Programme involves four phases.

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