Colombia road plan includes new project

Colombia's future 4G road programme now includes a new project, to provide a new link from Popayan to Santander de Quilichao. The three month consultation process has been completed and the steps needed for an environmental license to be awarded are now underway. Should all continue to go to plan, construction of the 77km link should commence in August 2018, although a target for the completion date has yet to be announced.
Finance & Funding / February 26, 2018

Colombia's future 4G road programme now includes a new project, to provide a new link from Popayan to Santander de Quilichao. The three month consultation process has been completed and the steps needed for an environmental license to be awarded are now underway. Should all continue to go to plan, construction of the 77km link should commence in August 2018, although a target for the completion date has yet to be announced.
