Colombia road project - completion date announced

The completion date for Colombia’s massive Cambao-Manizales 4G road project has now been announced. The improved road link should now be read for traffic in mid-2022, according to Colombia's national infrastructure agency (ANI). The financing package for the Cambao-Manizales road project should be secured in the second half of 2019 and the construction work should commence in 2020. The project is expected to cost an initial US$363 million and the work is being carried out by Alternativas Viales, which won
Finance & Funding / July 4, 2019
The completion date for Colombia’s massive Cambao-Manizales 4G road project has now been announced. The improved road link should now be read for traffic in mid-2022, according to Colombia's national infrastructure agency (ANI). The financing package for the Cambao-Manizales road project should be secured in the second half of 2019 and the construction work should

commence in 2020. The project is expected to cost an initial US$363 million and the work is being carried out by Alternativas Viales, which won the concession package.

One key change to the project has been to narrow the width of the route where it passes through the Los Nevados National Park. This design change has been made to meet environmental requirements. The Cambao-Manizales road will be the 23rd of Colombia’s 4G project to get underway. By the end of 2019, work should be underway on up to 29 of Colombia’s 4G road projects.
