South East Nigeria’s new dual carriageway planned

A new dual carriageway is planned for Nigeria’s Cross River State, in the South East of the country. The dual carriageway will connect the city of Calabar in the south of the state with Obudu in the north of the state. The project has had its official ground breaking ceremony carried out by the country’s president, Muhammadu Buhari. The dual carriageway will stretch around 260km in all according to reports in the Nigerian press. This new dual carriageway will help cut journey times as the condition of the e
Road Structures / September 21, 2015
A new dual carriageway is planned for Nigeria’s Cross River State, in the South East of the country. The dual carriageway will connect the city of Calabar in the south of the state with Obudu in the north of the state. The project has had its official ground breaking ceremony carried out by the country’s president, Muhammadu Buhari. The dual carriageway will stretch around 260km in all according to reports in the Nigerian press. This new dual carriageway will help cut journey times as the condition of the existing road has deteriorated, slowing vehicle speeds while it is also no longer able to cope with the number of vehicles on what is a busy route. The new dual carriageway will also provide an improved link for the Bakassi Deep Seaport project, planned to commence shortly. Studies for the seaport have already been carried out. The combination of the new dual carriageway and improved port facilities will be a major benefit to South East Nigeria, aided further by the new road and bridge connection to neighbouring Cameroon.