Nigeria’s new Niger River crossing construction underway

Preparation work for the access roads to Nigeria’s new Niger River crossing has now commenced. Construction of the bridge itself looks likely to commence in 2015 and this long delayed project has been the subject of much scrutiny and comment within Nigeria. Contractor Julius Berger has the concession for the US$700 million bridge, which will carry both road and rail links. The site of the new bridge is close to the commercial city of Onitsha, which is a major transport hub for Nigeria. High volumes of throu
Road Structures / August 14, 2014
Preparation work for the access roads to Nigeria’s new Niger River crossing has now commenced. Construction of the bridge itself looks likely to commence in 2015 and this long delayed project has been the subject of much scrutiny and comment within Nigeria. Contractor 7740 Julius Berger has the concession for the US$700 million bridge, which will carry both road and rail links. The site of the new bridge is close to the commercial city of Onitsha, which is a major transport hub for Nigeria. High volumes of through traffic pass through the area between east and west and also from the north to the south of the country. The new bridge is needed as the existing structure is ageing and there are questions over its long term structural integrity, while it will be unable to cope with anticipated traffic volumes. The old bridge has a somewhat chequered history, having been opened in the mid-1960s, blown up shortly after during the Nigerian/Biafran civil War and then repaired after the cease of hostilities.
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