Three key road contracts are moving ahead in Poland, with values of €258.2 million, €143.6 million and €96.8 million.
The largest of the three is for two stretches of the S10 expressway in West Pomerania. One of these measures 19.6km and links Suchan with Recz while the other is 16km long and connects Piecnik and Walcz. Meanwhile a €143.6 million contract has been awarded for the Section 3 stretch of the S10 expressway linking Szczecin with Pila. This design and construction project has been awarded to Mirbud and is expected to take just over three years to complete.
The €96.8 million design and build contract for a 14.4km stretch of the S12 is for a dual carriageway with two lanes in either direction. The contract was awarded by Poland's General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA). The project includes the construction of a new junction at Gielniów.