Morocco is evaluating the feasibility of two major highway projects at present. One is for the addition of an express lane along a 381km route between Mekness and Rissani, and is expected to cost US$484.8 million. The other project is for a 250km highway from Meknes to Errachida and has a projected cost of $1.653 billion. Feasibility studies are being carried out at present, while funds are also being set aside for purchasing the land required.
Morocco is evaluating the feasibility of two major highway projects at present. One is for the addition of an express lane along a 381km route between Mekness and Rissani, and is expected to cost US$484.8 million. The other project is for a 250km highway from Meknes to Errachida and has a projected cost of $1.653 billion. Feasibility studies are being carried out at present, while funds are also being set aside for purchasing the land required.