Mongolia building three new roads

Three build-operate-transfer road projects are being planned in Mongolia. The projects will be carried out between 2017 and 2020.
Road Structures / June 19, 2017

Three build-operate-transfer road projects are being planned in Mongolia. The projects will be carried out between 2017 and 2020. One project is for a 272km link connecting Bichigt with Baruun-Urt. Another project will be carried out from 2017 to 2019 and involves rebuilding the 250km road joining Gashuunsukhait with Tavantolgoi. Widening of a 205km road from capital Ulaanbaatar to Darkan is also planned with the link being upgraded to having two lanes in either direction.

The aims of the projects are to boost safety and capacity, as well as increasing economic activity directly through activating the road construction sector or developing other industries through the availability of better transport links.
