Spray tan

While Finland’s major roads have wildlife fences along their length to prevent animals from straying into the roadway, this is not the case for minor links in rural areas. Concerns over the high number of crashes involving reindeer have prompted the Finnish Reindeer Herders’ Association to take action. The animals will now be sprayed with a harmless but effective reflective paint so that vehicle drivers will be able to see the animals at night and take avoiding action. The animals frequently stray into the
August 14, 2014

While Finland’s major roads have wildlife fences along their length to prevent animals from straying into the roadway, this is not the case for minor links in rural areas. Concerns over the high number of crashes involving reindeer have prompted the Finnish Reindeer Herders’ Association to take action. The animals will now be sprayed with a harmless but effective reflective paint so that vehicle drivers will be able to see the animals at night and take avoiding action. The animals frequently stray into the roadway if unchecked and will often stand motionless when dazzled by vehicle headlights. A high speed impact with a reindeer is not to be taken lightly as one Finnish 3260 World Highways reader can attest. His 2773 Chevrolet was completely wrecked and he was lucky to avoid serious injury although the animal was less fortunate and had to be put down by a policeman attending the scene of the crash.

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