Back road drama

A man in South Carolina had a lucky escape after being trapped in his car for 33 hours after it crashed off the road in a rural area. After making a wrong turn and ending up on a gravel road, the man lost control of the vehicle despite his slow speed and the car fell 12m from the roadway. He prayed, called for help and beeped the horn repeatedly and was finally rescued after the driver of a forestry vehicle stopped nearby and heard the car horn. Emergency services were called to the scene and they were able
December 2, 2013
A man in South Carolina had a lucky escape after being trapped in his car for 33 hours after it crashed off the road in a rural area. After making a wrong turn and ending up on a gravel road, the man lost control of the vehicle despite his slow speed and the car fell 12m from the roadway. He prayed, called for help and beeped the horn repeatedly and was finally rescued after the driver of a forestry vehicle stopped nearby and heard the car horn. Emergency services were called to the scene and they were able to use hydraulic equipment to prise open the doors of the vehicle and rescue the man. He was later taken to hospital and although he had a number of injuries they were not life-threatening and he will recover. Police did however ticket him for driving recklessly. He has not had much luck with motor vehicles and this incident is the latest of several mishaps. His own car broke down, as did the first two rental vehicles he drove, with this third car being wrecked when he ran off the road. Perhaps someone is trying to send him a message?