Heavy right foot

A couple in the UK are now paying a rather costly price for their willingness to drive too fast for the conditions. The couple were out for a spin in their showroom-new Lamborghini Huracan at the end of 2015 when the driver lost control, sending the car off the road, down a bank and plunging into a fishing lake. Luckily the couple managed to escape and swim to safety, and others in the vicinity at the time were able to give them blankets to keep warm until the emergency services arrived. But despite costing
May 26, 2016
A couple in the UK are now paying a rather costly price for their willingness to drive too fast for the conditions. The couple were out for a spin in their showroom-new Lamborghini Huracan at the end of 2015 when the driver lost control, sending the car off the road, down a bank and plunging into a fishing lake. Luckily the couple managed to escape and swim to safety, and others in the vicinity at the time were able to give them blankets to keep warm until the emergency services arrived. But despite costing around US$300,000 and being able to top 320km/h, the car showed itself to have shortcomings with regard to its flotation capabilities. The car quickly sank to the bottom of the 6m-deep lake, though it was later recovered using lifting equipment. Battered, bent and bashed, the costly crashed car may well end up as an insurance write-off. No fish injuries were reported following the incident although the driver’s ego was badly bruised.