That new car smell

A man in the UK recently picked up his brand new Ferrari from the dealer, having arranged the purchase earlier. Just one hour later the man was being helped, bruised and battered but not seriously hurt, from the smouldering wreckage of the car. The driver had lost control on a rain-soaked motorway, plunging off the road. Emergency services responded quickly, rescuing the man from his smashed Ferrari 430 Scuderia.
October 12, 2017
A man in the UK recently picked up his brand new Ferrari from the dealer, having arranged the purchase earlier. Just one hour later the man was being helped, bruised and battered but not seriously hurt, from the smouldering wreckage of the car. The driver had lost control on a rain-soaked motorway, plunging off the road. Emergency services responded quickly, rescuing the man from his smashed Ferrari 430 Scuderia. It is unclear exactly how the car crashed but it was described to have been airborne at one point during the incident, before smashing its way off the motorway, 50m down an embankment and catching fire. The driver had a lucky escape, testament more to the safety features of the vehicle rather than his driving ability. Perhaps the driver now better understands the laws of physics and especially with regard to issues such as coefficients of friction or aquaplaning. Whether the insurance firm will pay out in full remains to be seen.