
September 30, 2024 1 minute Read
December 20, 2016
Malaysia is pushing ahead with a series of construction projects that will form sections of the Pan Borneo Highway in Sarawak. Work will go ahead on…
December 19, 2016
Expropriation costs are rising for two major Thailand motorway projects, according to the Department of Highways director-general Thanin Somboon.…
December 19, 2016
Serbia and Bosnia have started talks on constructing a fast highway between the Serbian capital Belgrade and Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and…
December 19, 2016
Germany has boosted its transportation infrastructure spending for 2017. The biggest slice of the budget - 42% - goes to the labour and social…
December 19, 2016
Two new bridges are planned for Vietnam, with the work expected to cost a total of US$446 million. These bridge links will be built by local firm…
December 19, 2016
Guatemala is pushing ahead with a plan to develop its road network. The expansion programme will see over US$225 million being spent on improving the…
December 16, 2016
The opening of a new bridge in Kazakhstan that spans the Irtysh River is now offering a shorter route for drivers. The link is 12.3km long and is now…
December 16, 2016
Work on the US$675.5 million (A$896 million) Torrens to Torrens project in the Australian city of Adelaide is well underway. One of the latest…
December 16, 2016
Contractor Vinci Construction looks set to handle a major road junction improvement scheme in the UK, although the final permission process has yet…
December 16, 2016
One of the largest US infrastructure projects is nearer completion after recent topping out of the eight main span towers of the New NY Bridge. The…
December 15, 2016
Business transactions, high-quality trade visitors and more participants than in 2014 mark out this year’s bauma CONEXPO India which took place at…
December 15, 2016
The UK’s Highways England has awarded four new-style road contracts worth over €360 million for road works in northern England. Two 15-year…
December 15, 2016
The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link between Danish and German islands faces ongoing delays that are pushing a construction start past this year and well into…
December 15, 2016
Guatemala is opening the tender process to improve and widen the CA-2 Occidente highway connection between Cocales and Tecun Uman. The Ministry of…
December 15, 2016
Construction work to widen the Autopista Norte highway in Colombia is being handled by the Accenorte consortium. The work involves widening a 4.2km…