
September 25, 2024 25 seconds Read
September 6, 2012
Representatives from leading global construction equipment manufacturers are among those being urged to attend a summit where they can learn how to…
September 6, 2012
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers is preparing for a two-day Australian construction machinery sales bonanza. The world renowned Canadian industrial…
September 6, 2012
The authorities in Serbia are pushing ahead with plans for the Corridor 10 and Corridor 11 highways. Serbia's national state owned highway company,…
September 6, 2012
Plans for a new highway connecting Saudi Arabia and Egypt are now commencing. The US$3 billion highway will improve transport connections between the…
September 6, 2012
The combined half-year accounts of the merged Royal Haskoning and DHV showed profits up 9% despite the tough market conditions. Both former companies…
September 4, 2012
The authorities in Oman are setting out plans for a major new highway project to improve connectivity in the country. The tender process is underway…
September 4, 2012
A major new expressway will link Tizi-Ouzou in Algeria to the country’s East-West highway. The local authorities have been given a budget of US$623…
September 4, 2012
Continued improvements in road safety are being seen in Denmark. The latest official data from the Danish Road Directorate (Vejdirektoratet) reveals…
September 3, 2012
The city of Hyderabad has announced an ambitious 12-month plan to install a new city-wide traffic signal system called the Hyderabad Traffic…
September 3, 2012
The Punjab state government has approved a new national highway repair and maintenance budget of US $27 million (Rs 150 crore). Public works minister…
September 3, 2012
The number of Montreal’s bridges and tunnels in a “critical” condition has more than doubled during the past 12 months, says a shocking new report…
September 3, 2012
VicRoads, the highways authority for the Australian state of Victoria, has endorsed a major state road project for the first time under its new…
September 3, 2012
Major road development is underway in Azerbaijan at present, with network expansion needed to help capitalise on the country’s strong extraction…
September 3, 2012
The US Government is looking to ensure that unused funding for infrastructure projects will be used efficiently. Those projects that have stalled due…
August 31, 2012
Strabag chief executive, Hans Peter Haselsteiner, has spoken of the need for the Group to respond to tougher future trading conditions after its half…