Singapore’s safety success continues with falling crash rate

Singapore’s road safety statistics continue to improve as the number of road crash deaths dropped to a record low in 2017. There were 141 road deaths in Singapore in 2016, while road deaths in 2017 fell to just 122. This is the lowest level of road fatalities for Singapore since 1981. In all there were 7,724 road crashes in Singapore during 2017, a 7% reduction from 2016. Reductions in DUI offences, speeding and red light running were all noted during 2017. Of note is that 13 of those pedestrians killed in
February 12, 2018

Singapore’s road safety statistics continue to improve as the number of road crash deaths dropped to a record low in 2017. There were 141 road deaths in Singapore in 2016, while road deaths in 2017 fell to just 122. This is the lowest level of road fatalities for Singapore since 1981. In all there were 7,724 road crashes in Singapore during 2017, a 7% reduction from 2016. Reductions in DUI offences, speeding and red light running were all noted during 2017. Of note is that 13 of those pedestrians killed in 2017 were elderly citizens. This figure accounted for 50% of the elderly citizens killed in road crashes during 2017. Meanwhile there were 101 crashes involving elderly citizens jaywalking in 2017, an increase from the 82 such incidents recorded in 2016.
