Nepalese highways will benefit from Chinese funding

The Chinese Government is providing neighbouring Nepal with expertise and funding for the ring road development around capital Kathmandu. This has been arranged through a bilateral agreement between the Chinese and Nepalese governments. The programme of works is getting under way and will see the widening of 27km of the ring road from its present four lanes to eight lanes in all. The Chinese Government funded the detailed survey design although the contractor has yet to be selected for the project.
October 11, 2012
The Chinese Government is providing neighbouring Nepal with expertise and funding for the ring road development around capital Kathmandu. This has been arranged through a bilateral agreement between the Chinese and Nepalese governments. The programme of works is getting under way and will see the widening of 27km of the ring road from its present four lanes to eight lanes in all. The Chinese Government funded the detailed survey design although the contractor has yet to be selected for the project. Further discussion is required between the Chinese Government and Nepal’s Ministry of Physical Planning, Works and Transport management to settle the plans for the project. The road will be upgraded in three separate phases, with the first stage being the 9km Kalanki-Koteshowre section and the building of a new interchange. The Chinese Government previously asked the Nepalese Government to clear the way for the road widening work along this 9km stretch. Much of the necessary clearance work has been carried out although a recently constructed bridge at Kalanki now may be in the way of the road widening project.