Irregularities found in Puerto Rico airport runway project

According to a report from Autoridad de los Puertos (AP), the state-owned company responsible for ports and airports in Puerto Rico, the companies hired to repave the runway at the Rafael Hernandez airport, in Aguadilla, have committed alleged irregularities and possible fraud. The two companies, Robles Asphalt and BTB Asphalt, have already been fined US$3.6 million for failures by the Federal Court which to be paid within a five-year period.
July 31, 2015
According to a report from Autoridad de los Puertos (AP), the state-owned company responsible for ports and airports in Puerto Rico, the companies hired to repave the runway at the Rafael Hernandez airport, in Aguadilla, have committed alleged irregularities and possible fraud.

The two companies, Robles Asphalt and BTB Asphalt, have already been fined  US$3.6 million for failures by the Federal Court which to be paid within a five-year period.

Given new evidence of serious irregularities and possible fraud against public funds, AP is recommending the Department of Justice, the Treasury Inspector's Office and the Office of Government Ethics to take action. The issue relates to claims by asphalt firms Betterroads Asphalt and Bettercycling that the asphalt required by law to be used on this project was not available on the island.