Fatality fall for roads in Netherlands

The official data from Dutch statistics bureau, CBS, reveals a continued improvement in road safety in the country. The data available for 2013 shows a 12% drop in road deaths compared with the figures published for 2012. There were 570 road deaths in the Netherlands in 2013. The number of car occupants killed fell from 232 in 2012 to 193 in 2013, while the number of motorcyclists killed dropped from 56 in 2012 to 29 in 2013.
April 25, 2014
The official data from Dutch statistics bureau, CBS, reveals a continued improvement in road safety in the country. The data available for 2013 shows a 12% drop in road deaths compared with the figures published for 2012. There were 570 road deaths in the Netherlands in 2013. The number of car occupants killed fell from 232 in 2012 to 193 in 2013, while the number of motorcyclists killed dropped from 56 in 2012 to 29 in 2013. Cyclist deaths dropped to 184 in 2013, a fall of 8% from 2012 while pedestrian fatalities were also said to be lower in 2013 than 2012. However the one area of concern is that fatalities among scooter and moped riders increased.