10,000km of Andhra Pradesh roads to become India National Highways

The Indian government is to invest US$916.06 million (INR 50bn) in phases to convert 10,000kms of state roads in Andhra Pradesh to National Highways. According to the country’s Minister of State for Transport and Highways, Sarvey Sathyanarayana, the conversion works will be completed within the next three to five years. In the last fiscal year of 2012/2013, six stretches of state highways in Andhra Pradesh were converted to National Highways, covering a distance of more than 1,800km.
April 12, 2013
The Indian government is to invest US$916.06 million (INR 50bn) in phases to convert 10,000kms of state roads in Andhra Pradesh to National Highways.

According to the country’s Minister of State for Transport and Highways, Sarvey Sathyanarayana, the conversion works will be completed within the next three to five years. In the last fiscal year of 2012/2013, six stretches of state highways in Andhra Pradesh were converted to National Highways, covering a distance of more than 1,800km.