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New Russian road works being planned

New Russian road works are being planned in Crimea and St Petersburg.
By MJ Woof November 1, 2021 Read time: 1 min
New road works are planned in St Petersburg and Crimea – image courtesy of © Serban Bogdan,
The project for the new high-speed traffic highway in the Russian city of St Petersburg has now been revised. The highway crossing over Moskovsky Prospekt has been redesigned and this has been given approval. The new design calls for a two level structure, with the lower level at the same height as the existing railway bridge spanning Moskovsky Prospekt. Meanwhile, the upper level will be around 18m above Moskovsky Prospekt. The project to construct the highway is costing nearly $369 million, with site preparation costing nearly $164 million.

Maintenance and repair work is also planned for roads in St Petersburg, with a budget of $109.3 million having been set for 2022. The target is for more than 75km of roads to be rebuilt during the 2021-2023 period. Meanwhile, the repair and maintenance work will extend to a total of 135.6km of roads. At present 71.4% of the city’s roads are in satisfactory condition but the improvement programme is intended to raise that figure to 85%.

Meanwhile, plans are in hand in Crimea for a new highway measuring 35km, which will join the Tavrida highway to the Black Sea’s southern coast. The project is expected to cost $1.37 billion.

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