Mexico City road repairs being financed

Mexico City’s chronic traffic congestion could well be reduced by planned road repair works. Traffic is routinely clogged in the city, with potholes being one of many issues facing drivers. However the city authorities are providing a budget of US$351.2 million to tackle some of the worst road defects on key routes. The plan involves improving 55% of Mexico City’s primary road links by 2021. In 2019 alone, some 692km of roads will be improved.
Maintenance / May 10, 2019
Mexico City’s traffic clogged roads will benefit from repairs

Mexico City’s chronic traffic congestion could well be reduced by planned road repair works. Traffic is routinely clogged in the city, with potholes being one of many issues facing drivers. However the city authorities are providing a budget of US$351.2 million to tackle some of the worst road defects on key routes. The plan involves improving 55% of Mexico City’s primary road links by 2021. In 2019 alone, some 692km of roads will be improved.
