Bangladesh road repair budget boosted

Bangladesh is in desperate need of road repairs, with insufficient funding exacerbating the problem. This comes from a new survey carried out by Bangladesh's Roads and Highways Department (RHD). The results of the survey suggest that the country needs some US$2.55 billion to be spent on repairing and maintaining the country's roads over the next five years. Flooding during August-October 2017 caused damage to 1,177km of the road network. However the primary cause of road damage comes from the use of heavy
Maintenance / February 12, 2018

Bangladesh is in desperate need of road repairs, with insufficient funding exacerbating the problem. This comes from a new survey carried out by Bangladesh's Roads and Highways Department (RHD). The results of the survey suggest that the country needs some US$2.55 billion to be spent on repairing and maintaining the country's roads over the next five years. Flooding during August-October 2017 caused damage to 1,177km of the road network. However the primary cause of road damage comes from the use of heavy vehicles and insufficient maintenance, affecting 9,022km of district roads. Meanwhile more that 80% of the 21,000km of roads covered by the survey are now considered beyond their design life.
