A feasibility study will analyse a Vietnamese expressway project.

A new expressway project is being analysed in Vietnam – image courtesy of © Oleg Doroshenko, Dreamstime.com
A feasibility study has been requested for Vietnam’s Cao Lanh-An Huu expressway. The project is expected to cost US$281.3 million and the 34km road will feature two lanes in either direction, with a speed limit of 80km/h.
Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport has been asked to carry out the feasibility study for the project, which is being proposed under a build-operate-transfer contract and using the PPP model. Around half of the necessary funding would come the Vietnamese Government.
The new expressway will provide and improved connection between Tien Giang Province and Dong Thap Province, both of which are in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Region. When the expressway is complete, it will reduce congestion on the existing National Route 30. The schedule calls for work to commence in 2022, with completion due in 2025.