Slovakian highways are priority routes for Europe?

Slovakia is looking to benefit from European funding for key highway projects. The country’s Transport Ministry has selected a number of expressway projects as well as the D1 and D3 highways as being of high priority.
Finance & Funding / May 5, 2016

Slovakia is looking to benefit from European funding for key highway projects. The country’s Transport Ministry has selected a number of expressway projects as well as the D1 and D3 highways as being of high priority. The country is looking for finance for the construction of these routes from the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI). Known as Juncker's Fund, this has access to some €315 billion of financing for the 2015 – 2017 period. The Slovakian Transport Ministry is hoping that this source could help co-finance its expressway projects and work on the D1 and D3 routes using risk financing through the European Investment Bank (EIB).
