Senegal’s highway links are being expanded

The Senegal Government is pushing ahead with its programme of infrastructure expansion. The development of the country’s road transport network is continuing, with Senegal having increased its spending by a factor of 10 in the period from 2005 to 2017. New highways are being built at present and these will join the towns of Mbour, Thiès and Touba to the network by 2018.
Finance & Funding / May 12, 2017

The Senegal Government is pushing ahead with its programme of infrastructure expansion. The development of the country’s road transport network is continuing, with Senegal having increased its spending by a factor of 10 in the period from 2005 to 2017. New highways are being built at present and these will join the towns of Mbour, Thiès and Touba to the network by 2018.
