Road connections for the two Koreas

Progress is being seen in North Korea and South Korea with regard to the plan for new road transport connections between the two countries. A 12km highway section is to be built in South Korea linking Munsan to Dorasan Station, with the route running close to the border with North Korea. Because of the project’s strategic importance, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance has stated that there is no need for a feasibility study to be carried out, a break from convention for the country. A budget of US$457.6 m
Finance & Funding / December 4, 2018

Progress is being seen in North Korea and South Korea with regard to the plan for new road transport connections between the two countries. A 12km highway section is to be built in South Korea linking Munsan to Dorasan Station, with the route running close to the border with North Korea. Because of the project’s strategic importance, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance has stated that there is no need for a feasibility study to be carried out, a break from convention for the country. A budget of US$457.6 million has been set for the work by South Korea’s Ministry of Transport, with the project planned for completion by 2020. Plans have also been drawn up for a new highway that will connect North Korea’s capital, Pyongyang, with Kaesong, which lies close to the country’s border with South Korea. Work on this project is reliant on North Korea’s denuclearisation process having been completed.
