South Korea-North Korea highway link?

An optimistic tone in South Korea is seeing the construction of an expressway connecting Seoul and Munsan. The project is being carried out in a bid to boost trade with North Korea. This is in spite of the current uncertain political situation in North Korea. The expressway will connect South Korean capital Seoul to Munsan, which lies to the south of the Demilitarised Zone bordering North Korea. More private investment can be roped in via the plan to build the expressway. An environmental impact assessment
Road Structures / May 18, 2015
An optimistic tone in South Korea is seeing the construction of an expressway connecting Seoul and Munsan. The project is being carried out in a bid to boost trade with North Korea. This is in spite of the current uncertain political situation in North Korea. The expressway will connect South Korean capital Seoul to Munsan, which lies to the south of the Demilitarised Zone bordering North Korea. More private investment can be roped in via the plan to build the expressway. An environmental impact assessment has delayed the construction of the expressway however, which will be 35.2km long. The project will cost US$1.37 billion to carry out and should be ready for traffic five years from now. Travel time from the northwestern outskirts of Seoul to Munsan will be decreased by 35 minutes with the expressway. In addition, plans are in hand to build an underground expressway connecting Seoul with Incheon. Work on this project will commence in 2016 and the Gyeongin Expressway should be complete in 2018.
