Queensland, Australia is expanding its transport infrastructure.

Queensland, Australia is developing its transport infrastructure - image © courtesy Sjankauskas, Dreamstime.com
Queensland, Australia has setout a massive budget for transport infrastructure improvements during the 12 month period ending in June 30th 2021. In all, US$4.65 billion (A$6.3 billion) is being spent on transport upgrades, with major new road and rail projects going ahead.
The Bruce Highway is benefiting considerably from this spending, with work being carried out to boost capacity and also improve safety for drivers. Some $786 million (A$1.065 billion) has been budgeted for the Rockhampton Ring Road, while $489 million (A$662.5 million) is budgeted for improvements to the route connecting Caboolture-Bribie Island Road with Steve Irwin Way. Meanwhile, $688 million ($932.2 million) is budgeted for highway widening work from Caloundra Road to the Sunshine Motorway.
Stretches of the M1 Highway are also seeing improvements between Varsity Lakes and Tugun and also between Eight Mile Plains and Daisy Hill.