Malaysia is setting out plans for a massive transport development programme.

New road works are planned for Malaysia - image courtesy of © Indos82,
Malaysia has set a substantial budget for transport development works to help boost the country’s economy. The Finance Ministry has announced US$829.6 million will be used for infrastructure projects.
The two key road projects for Malaysia are the Central Spine Road and the Pan-Borneo highway, which will benefit from further funding. Plans are now in hand for the Sabah Eastern Zone stretch of the Pan Borneo Highway, which will see the route being upgraded to dual carriageway status with two lanes in either direction. This section of the route is expected to cost nearly $211 million and is being offered in three separate stretches. Included in the package of works will be the construction of three bridges as well as a large interchange. The stretch will link Sandakan, Kinabatangan, Beluran and Telupid and should be complete by the third quarter of 2024.
The new Third Infrastructure Facilitation Fund has a budget of $48 million for transport works. Meanwhile, the Malaysian Government will fund a series of projects for local roads.
A budget of $456.74 million has been set by the Malaysian Government for infrastructure works in Sabah. Road improvements and maintenance works will be included, along with the supply of potable water as well as electricity to rural areas.