Loan facility to help pay for Indonesia road

A loan facility has been secured which will help provide the necessary funding for a project planned by Waskita Toll Road in Indonesia. The loan is worth US$151.1 million and is being provided by a number of finance agencies. The bodies providing the financing package are Sarana Multi Infrastrukture and Bank Syariah Mandiri. The financing will be used by Waskita Toll Road’s Trans Jawa Paspro Jalan Tol division for a 31km toll road connecting Pasuruan with Probolinggo.
Finance & Funding / October 12, 2018
A loan facility has been secured which will help provide the necessary funding for a project planned by Waskita Toll Road in Indonesia. The loan is worth US$151.1 million and is being provided by a number of finance agencies. The bodies providing the financing package are Sarana Multi Infrastrukture and Bank Syariah Mandiri. The financing will be used by Waskita Toll Road’s Trans Jawa Paspro Jalan Tol division for a 31km toll road connecting Pasuruan with Probolinggo.