Eurobitume’s Asphalt Advantages campaign celebrates 2nd anniversary

The Asphalt Advantages online campaign, launched in October 2014 by Eurobitume and the European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA), is celebrating its second anniversary by encouraging advocates to get on board.
Materials / November 25, 2016
RST Article  Asphalt Advantages
Smooth sailing thanks to the Asphalt Advantages

The Asphalt Advantages online campaign, launched in October 2014 by 7701 Eurobitume and the 5924 European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA), is celebrating its second anniversary by encouraging advocates to get on board.

After reaching stakeholders in over 125 countries and communicating reasons why asphalt is the material of first-choice for road maintenance, Asphalt Advantages is now encouraging supporters to embrace an online tool kit and how-to video to create their own sub-campaigns.

The website has continuously grown and is now widely recognised as a valuable source of credible information for a wide range of stakeholders, raising the awareness of the many benefits that asphalt offers for road maintenance and construction. For ease of use, the information is organised under four main themes: sustainability, comfort, safety and economics.

Earlier this year, the website was extended to offer a choice of four languages - English, French, German and Turkish – to help expand the campaign by reaching new target audiences and local markets.

“We are exceptionally proud of the success that our campaign has had so far,” commented EAPA director Carsten Karcher. “The goal of the website has been to promote the benefits and value of asphalt pavement to those who use, design and maintain roads. The campaign has already experienced the expected exponential growth and we are planning for future expansion.”  

Additionally, a new educational how-to video is now available on “Become an Asphalt Advantages Advocate”, offers step-by-step advice to encourage asphalt industry stakeholders to get involved and support the campaign by promoting asphalt’s benefits, stimulating discussions and sharing information.

“The new video is aimed at encouraging even more asphalt stakeholders to join the campaign and become an active advocate for Asphalt Advantages,” said Siobhan McKelvey, president of Eurobitume.

“If we can mobilise new advocates with the tools available in the online toolkit, then the important key messages about the benefits of asphalt can be shared to a wider audience. Advocates will have access to a wealth of valuable information supporting general, technical, health, safety and environmental advantages.”

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