A contractor in Switzerland is making good use of an asphalt paver supplied by Japanese manufacturer
Using the HA60C paver from Sumitomo, the firm was able to repave 2km of the road surface. The machine paved two lanes, with a width of 5.8m and laid down first a binder course and then a wearing course of a special low noise mix. This was laid on top of the original base course, which had not been removed as it was still in good condition. The original binder and wearing course were no longer considered able to meet requirements however and had been milled off previously using conventional planing equipment.
To ensure the new surface remained homogenous and offered optimum quality, SAISA equipped the paver with the latest heat scanning technology. This allowed the firm to ensure that there was no heat segregation in the mat and also helped to make the compaction operation more efficient. Conventional levelling sensor systems were utilised to ensure the surface met the client’s requirements for surface smoothness. Much of the work was carried out during a night-time possession, so as to minimise the disturbance to traffic at peak periods.
Now that the road has been repaved, it offers a better road surface for drivers, while also generating lower noise levels.