Smarter transport solutions from TomTom

TomTom is introducing two novel products that help deliver smart traffic solutions, RoadDNA and its HAD map. The Road DNA will help make automated driving a reality, according to the firm. Designed with vehicle data storage and processing limitations in mind, RoadDNA delivers highly accurate location information that can easily be integrated into the onboard system of a vehicle. This allows a vehicle to continuously know exactly where it is located on the road. It offers highly accurate vehicle localisa
Highway & Network Management / January 4, 2016
TomTom HAD Map
The TomTom technology provides a stepping stone for autonomous vehicle mdevelopment
3972 TomTom is introducing two novel products that help deliver smart traffic solutions, RoadDNA and its HAD map. The Road DNA will help make automated driving a reality, according to the firm. Designed with vehicle data storage and processing limitations in mind, RoadDNA delivers highly accurate location information that can easily be integrated into the onboard system of a vehicle.

This allows a vehicle to continuously know exactly where it is located on the road. It offers highly accurate vehicle localisation content in an efficient and cost-effective way. By matching RoadDNA data with vehicle sensor data in real-time, a vehicle knows its location on the road and even while travelling at high speeds or when changes occur to the roadside. But by converting a 3D point cloud of roadside patterns into a compressed, 2D view of the roadway, RoadDNA delivers a solution that needs little storage space and requires conventional processing requirements, without losing detail.

TomTom RoadDNA, combined with the TomTom HAD Map, delivers real-time information about a vehicle’s precise location on a map whilst coping with changes in the environment. The firm is also offering its HAD Map for Germany. This complete map of Germany covers the entire Autobahn network and provides a 3D lane map for 24,000km of roads.

The TomTom HAD Map for Germany provides accurate representation of 3D geometries of lane centrelines, lane dividers, road borders, and guard rails, as well as highlighting lane-dependent speed limits and lane divider marking types. In addition to enabling future self-driving cars to see beyond their sensors, the TomTom HAD map can also be used for advanced driving applications like improved versions of eco-adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane level guidance, and predictive powertrain control.
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