Chubb launches TVOS system for smart motorways

Chubb Systems has launched a television outstation (TVOS) as an all-weather traffic monitoring CCTV camera system. Chubb’s TVOS also meets the specific technical specifications required by Highways England for its Road Investment Strategy. Chubb, a leading provider of security and fire-safety solutions, is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies. The TVOS unit delivers images in ultra-low and zero-light conditions, thanks to its infrared array, explained said Dave Dunnagan
Highway & Network Management / December 19, 2017
Chubb’s TVOS unit delivers images in ultra-low and zero-light conditions, thanks to its infrared array

Chubb Systems has launched a television outstation (TVOS) as an all-weather traffic monitoring CCTV camera system.

Chubb’s TVOS also meets the specific technical specifications required by Highways England for its Road Investment Strategy. Chubb, a leading provider of security and fire-safety solutions, is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies.

The TVOS unit delivers images in ultra-low and zero-light conditions, thanks to its infrared array, explained said Dave Dunnagan, sales director at Chubb Systems. This means that even in the toughest lighting conditions, the camera provides regional control centres (RCC) exceptional images to monitor traffic flow and motorway incidents as well as increase safety for the Highways’ workforce.

Dunnagan also said that the unit’s “ongoing costs are minimal as power consumption has been significantly reduced”.

The unit is comprised of three key elements - a long-range, high-resolution camera with optical zoom and backlight compensation; an infrared array with 500m range; and a television base unit (TVBU). Added benefits of the unit include physical and cyber security accreditation and a remote maintenance service for software upgrades and alterations.

Chubb Systems was awarded a position on Lot 2 (Traffic Monitoring and Traffic Enforcement Cameras) of the Crown Commercial Services / Highways England Traffic Management Technology 2 Framework agreement. The company also was appointed to Lot 15, the Framework’s overall catalogue of products.

The TVBU also serves as the outstation element in the Highways England CCTV network. In this capacity, it connects the relevant cameras to the National Roads Telecommunication System that itself connects back to relevant regional control centres where remote monitoring operatives are located.
