UK’s RAC Foundation says drivers are being short-changed by parking meters

The RAC Foundation says that UK drivers are being left out of pocket by parking meters that do not give change. An assessment of new figures shows that councils may be gaining €46.11million (£38million) per year from overpayments on the pay-and-display machines.
Highway & Network Management / April 30, 2014
The 5521 RAC Foundation says that UK drivers are being left out of pocket by parking meters that do not give change. An assessment of new figures shows that councils may be gaining €46.11million (£38million) per year from overpayments on the pay-and-display machines.

The RAC wants what they regard as an unfair rip-off to end, noting that local authorities made a profit of £594million in 2013 on street bays and council car parks. The organisation highlights the recent Case of Cornwall Council who, following a Freedom of Information Act request, revealed a so-called estimated over-vend in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 of €788.514 (£649,404) on €28.66million (£23.61 million) in parking income.
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