Indonesian Government to enforce motorcycle speed limits?

In a bid to reduce Indonesia’s high death toll of motorcyclists in road accidents, the country’s government is looking into the feasibility of setting a speed limit for motorcycles. Government officials have sought advice from the International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA), with the latest Indonesian National Police's statistics showing that motorcyclists accounted for 64% of the over 100,000 road accidents recorded in 2013. A feasibility study is expected to be launched by the end of 2014,
Highway & Network Management / May 28, 2014
In a bid to reduce Indonesia’s high death toll of motorcyclists in road accidents, the country’s government is looking into the feasibility of setting a speed limit for motorcycles.

Government officials have sought advice from the International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA), with the latest Indonesian National Police's statistics showing that motorcyclists accounted for 64% of the over 100,000 road accidents recorded in 2013.

A feasibility study is expected to be launched by the end of 2014, Deputy Transport Minister Bambang Susantono said.