The actual construction phase will commence in late 2024 and will be complete by 2029. Once the tunnel is complete, it will offer an improved connection over the ferries in current use. The fixed link will help with the increasing transport volume and anticipated extension of the harbour as a consequence of the economic growth. The current travel distance by the road will be reduced from 45km to less than 1km.
An immersed tunnel has been selected by the Brazilian Government as the most viable option to establish a fixed link between the two cities. This will be the first of its kind in Brazil, offering a safe and secure connection and a lower impact on city life and port development as well as a reasonable cost. TEC has provided consultancy for the selection process.
The tunnel will consist of an enclosed section of about 760m and approaches, all-in-all some 1,800m length. The harbour channel depth is up to 21m to allow for deeper draft vessels to enter the port area. The tunnel will consist of 2x3 lanes for road traffic and a separate tube for pedestrians and cyclists. The portals for the tunnel will be of the cut and cover type.
The project is located in the Port of Santos in São Paulo state, some 80km south west of São Paolo.