CBP will handle the design, construction, finance, operation, and maintenance of this 9km infrastructure link for a 50-year term. The I-10 widening works include the construction of a corridor with three lanes in either direction and the installation of free flow tolling technology. It will also include building various structures, ramps, and approaches to the new elevated structure.
The new Calcasieu River Bridge will replace the existing bridge, which was built in the early 1950s, and according to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is functionally obsolete and structurally deficient. This modern infrastructure will increase capacity and road safety.
Construction works will start in 2024 and completion is scheduled for 2031. This road section is expected to accommodate an average daily traffic volume of 90,000 vehicles by 2040.
CBP is comprised of Sacyr (30%), Acciona (30%) and Plenary Americas (40%), with construction works divided equally in a Sacyr-Acciona joint venture. Under the signed comprehensive agreement, the State of Louisiana will receive 15% equity once the new bridge is open to traffic.
The I-10 Calcasieu River bridge project is the largest in the history of the LA DOTD and was one of the largest infrastructure contracts commissioned in North America in 2023.
Plans include the modification and relocation of the current roads and approaches, the dismantling of the current bridge once the new structure is operational, as well as the operation and maintenance of the bridge and the associated road section.