STRABAG wins Romanian bridge contract

STRABAG has won a key Romanian bridge contract.
Road Structures / April 21, 2020 25 seconds Read
By MJ Woof
A new bridge spanning the Somes River in Romania will be built by STRABAG – image © courtesy of STRABAG

STRABAG has been awarded the contract to build a bridge spanning the Somes River in the Romanian city of Satu Mare. The cable-stayed bridge will measure 640m  and the deal is worth around €30 million.

The work will be carried out in compliance with the current strict hygiene regulations. Construction is scheduled to start in May 2020.

“Despite the restrictions on public life currently in place in many of our European countries of operation, it is important not to lose sight of the long-term perspective and to continue to pursue important infrastructure projects such as this in Romania,” emphasised Thomas Birtel, CEO of STRABAG.

The construction of the bridge will improve the transport links between the north and the south of Sature Mare. The project will help tackled congestion on the existing Decebal Bridge. The contract also includes building two viaducts and two roundabouts. Existing utility lines such as gas, telecommunications, water and sewage will be taken into account or partly relaid during the construction.
