Peru project planned – Chinese contractor to construct

The project to upgrade the National Route 3 connecting the Peruvian cities of Huallanca and Huánuco will now go ahead. The project has been awarded to a Chinese contractor, China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corporation. The work is expected to cost US$375.25 million. At present the route features some sharp curves as it winds through the mountains, with the section close to Jacas Chico posing particular hazards, and the upgrade will help improve safety on the route.
Road Structures / October 5, 2018

The project to upgrade the National Route 3 connecting the Peruvian cities of Huallanca and Huánuco will now go ahead. The project has been awarded to a Chinese contractor, China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corporation. The work is expected to cost US$375.25 million. At present the route features some sharp curves as it winds through the mountains, with the section close to Jacas Chico posing particular hazards, and the upgrade will help improve safety on the route.
